Feminist leadership, libraries and Covid-19

CILIP: The library and information association 

writing, sharing knowledge 
Jan/Feb 2021
The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) is the professional body for the Library sector. I have contributed to the CILIP journal Information Professional in the past but for the Jan/Feb 2021 edition I managed to get Feminist Leadership on the front cover
I had written an article, based on an interview with editor Rob Green that brought my learning and research on feminist leadership into sharp focus. Kirsten MacQuarrie Membership Officer for CILIPS in Scotland was in the process of launching #WINspiration, a feminist resource for the library sector, invited me to contribute an inaugural online session.

“I find having a [Feminist Leadership] Toolkit can be a support in efforts to change habits, create movement, manage change or be braver in situations. I am still finding myself regularly at sea, and Covid has thrown up new and deep challenges but having a Toolkit and a cohort of support established before and during the Clore Leadership Fellowship means that I have a great place to habour.”